I started studying Japanese when I was in middle school. I mostly self-taught myself, and the major reason was that Korea and Japan had a long history together, and I thought in order to better understand my own country's past, I needed to know as much about the countries related to it. Then as I was learning, I realized what a pretty language Japanese was, and how many similarities it shared with my own language. Our cultures overlapped in many ways also, and finding these different links between my home and another country was very intriguing.
I stopped teaching myself the language as I became busier with other academics in high school. But the desire to formally learn the language had never left me, and that is why I decided to take this course in college.
I am excited to see how much my Japanese will improve this year. I believe that knowing many languages is power, and I am excited to be able to call Japanese a language I can use adeptly in the future as one of the tools in my toolbox. I have not found anything particularly challenging so far, but I can see how as the course moves on, I may be challenged. And I am quite excited about that. The course itself has done nothing but kindle my love for the language, and I believe any challenges to come will do that also.


  1. すごいね!I totally agree with you that learning different languages is useful. I feel like I understand more what the characters are saying in anime! I also find Korean and Japanese similar in many ways, especially the pronunciation of some words. Since I took Korean last year, I sometimes mix them together and confuse myself a lot LOL. Anyways, がんばってね!

  2. Annie-san is really powerful! I did not see anyone who wants to learn a new language is because they want to understand their own culture better. しぐおい!

  3. こんばんはアニーさん。That’s really interesting that you started to learn Japanese because you wanted to understand the relationship between both countries more. What are some links that you see between Korea and Japan? I really relate to the feeling of wanting to learn Japanese since you were younger. I’ve always wanted to learn Japanese to better understand my heritage and to communicate with my family more (I’m half-Japanese). I’m really excited to learn Japanese with you this year!

    1. There are so many similarities - especially in individual words and their soundings, and also the grammar! I am happy to talk more about this with you any time:)

  4. Annie San. I, too, find Japanese and Korean very similar, in terms of language and culture. I've always wanted to learn new languages, especially Japanese, since it is easy to hear some Japanese phrases in Korea. This was really something I could relate to. ありがとう!

  5. こんにちは。私の名前は妹背菜奈美(いもせななみ)です。私は19歳です。私の地元は、日本の田舎のほうにある香川県ですが、今は立命館大学に行くために大阪に住んでいます。大学ではビジネスを学んでいます。私は海外に興味を持っていて、今年の夏にニュージャージー州に留学しました。私の趣味は、スノーボーディングとバドミントンです。よろしくお願いします:)
    (Translation of the Japanese sentences↓)
    Hello. My name is Nanami Imose. I`m 19 years old. My hometown is Kagawa, which is in country side in Japan. Now, I live in Osaka to go to Ritsumeikan University. My major is International Business administration. I`m interested in studying broad, and actually I went to New Jersey in this summer vacation. My hobbies are going snowboarding and playing badminton. Nice to meet you!

    I read your message. I got your passionate that you want to study Japanese hard. I want to help you to study Japanese as much as possible. And also I want to study English so let’s take contact many times! I’m really happy about that you are interested in Japanese very much. I have some Korean friends now. I also got interested in differences and similarities between Korea and japan when I talked with them.
    Anyway, are you going to the university to study or do you stay in America with your family? And, I want to get to know how many words in Japanese you know. So if you have some recommendation to me, such as texting a message in Hiragana or with Kanji, please let me know. And the screen display is written in Korean. I can’t read it… So can you change the Korean to English?

    1. おそくなってごめんなさい。じけんがたくさんあってべんきょうしてじかんがありませんでした。ななみさんとはなしするきかいができてとてもうれしです。わたしはにほんごをまだうまくにできません。まだかんじもよくしらなくてごんなにひらがなだけでかきます。わたしも19さいです。いまだいがくで Political Science をべんきょうしています。よろしくおねがいします。

      Also about changing the setting to English- I am terrible with computers so I'm working on it. I just don't seem to see where I can change the setting. Also, I am studying by myself in the US- the rest of my family are back in Korea. Also for how many Japanese words I know, I can't really tell you exactly, but I can say the amount it quite limited for I've only learned for a short time period. I'm working hard to get to know more though! Nice talking to you- I hope to talk to you many times as well:)

  6. ぜんぜんだいじょうぶですよ。わたしもじかんがなくて、おへんじがおそくなりました。では、これからにほんごでへんしんしますね。もしなにかわからないことがあれば、えんりょなくきいてください!せいじにきょうみがあるのですか?
    Thank you for changing the setting. if you can't find how to change it, you don't have to change it. It might be ok for me because I found a way to send message.
    So you live in america alone, right? It sounds cool. Now I aim to study abroad in next year!

    1. I do live here here alone in the dorm - my family is all back in Korea. I hope you do study abroad next year!!!


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